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Golden Casket Corporate Image requirements reduced

An ongoing requirement to hold a Tatts licence, requires the periodic update of the latest Corporate Image, subject to timing of installation of the previous Image (below).Golden Casket Renewed Retail Image Deadines

The original 2010 Generation One Corporate Image has proven challenging for some, but after continued monitoring of implementation as per Tatts considerate policy, Golden Casket have revised their requirements. The new requirements change some materials to more cost effective types, permitting welcomed savings on capital outlay. Further, removal of the previously expensive and at times practically difficult to implement ceiling bulkhead, add to the considerable expected savings. These amendments are very welcomed alterations to the compliance requirement.


For changes to Categories B through D, click the above picture.

Accordingly, previous expectations for upgrade cost have been lessened considerably, so any newsagent with a shopfit quote prior to now, needs to go back to their shopfitter for a revised quote on the lessened requirements before issuing any work orders.

Note:- For the most part, present sale asking prices already reflect the future cost provision of this compliance.

As part of our dedication to assisting buyers & sellers to make informed judgement on the very latest information to hand, we welcome your call to discuss how the above announcement may impact your purchase or sale decision.